The Wildlings

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Missy was devoted to this landscape she would call her home, the trilling sounds of birds in the canopy above as she moved from place to place, it was so peaceful here. And even though she had been gone from her parents only months - she didn't regret a single moment of her alone time. Audits swirl and swivel as her limbs spread and carried here, where to? only the gods would tell her. But today she wasn't listening. The gentle purring of a distance river was what made her turn and head west. WATER?!, yes she wanted to go swimming! Ancient cries from above carried across the wind like foreign chants, there was seemingly a large group of various other creatures here, birds, smaller mammals, and what something else that she wasn't old enough to know what it was. It was another animal yes, but well....she didn't dare to seek out something she knew nothing about. That was her down fall, she always stuck to what she knew and that was that.